Thursday, July 31, 2008

Life is pain. Pain is Suffering. The only Cessation from Suffering is Knowledge

With the cat missing I have been having a hard time finding something to help me relax. What to do? Sit outside on the back steps until he comes home? or perhaps crying in my room to the always comforting stylings of belle and sebastian!? No, No. Apparently you just have to wait it out. I put cat litter outside. The lost ad is in the paper for eight days. A very kind woman sent me a long check list of things to do/things that she did. She suggests a laser pointer. I do not have one but this sounds effing brilliant. I could find my cat if i didn't laser the retinas off of all the other neighborhood scabs. Another idea I liked was getting a cat communicator to help. OMG- a cat whisperer is exactly what I need. Which one of you will volunteer to help me go meet this woman- Sheila Trecartin? Sheila, Dr. Kiki Watson is on vacation in Jackson Ward meeting tiny thug cats and getting covered in street dirt, but how do I convince him that mommmy needs him home?
Well, anyway, thank you for helping me this week. I really am very lucky to have so many friends. It's Zatarans fault. Dumb cat.

1 comment:

Alexandra said...

Sheila lives in Canada. So, nevermind.