Tuesday, July 15, 2008


i am working on a collaborative zine right now and i want YOU to contribute!
this zine is dedicated to the idea of a woman named Charlene Stevens.

Charlene Stevens was my mom's mom who i never met, the idea is that some of the submissions will make it into a small thoughtful book to give to my mom.

the rest of the submissions will make it into a zine or a series of zines dedicated to the idea of Charlene Stevens.

maybe you imagine Charlene Stevens to be a young girl playing four square in front of her house.
or maybe you imagine Charlene Stevens to be a very wise pet dog...

whatever you imagine write a short story, a poem, do a photo essay, a comic strip, a diary entry, a sculpture, a fake obituary... whatever can be loosely documented - just use your imagination (duh!)

tentative due date is september 1 2008

if you are interested let me know so i have an idea of how many submissions to expect

also, if you have questions contact me at yourstruly.shayne@gmail.com

this will totally rule!

love love love,

tell your pals!

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